2nd DUI lawyer

Driving a car is a process that presupposes that the driver has the utmost concentration of attention and quick reaction. Neither one nor the other is possible if the person is drunk. A person who has drunk even a small amount of alcohol cannot sufficiently control their actions. If you have been prosecuted for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may need the information presented in this post. Moreover, the second time for such a violation leads to criminal responsibility, so if you are caught in such a state on the road, undoubtedly, you’ll need the help of a 2nd DUI lawyer or a criminal defense lawyer nearby.

Penalties Waiting For Those Who Don’t Follow Rules

  1. 3 – 5 years of probation
  2. time in jail
  3. 500 – 2000$ fine
  4. one year without a driver’s license and one more with a restricted one
  5. ignition interlock device

Consultation Of Second DUI Lawyer In UAE

The jurisprudence indicates that an individual can keep his driving permit for many reasons. Firstly, mistakes in drawing up a report on an administrative offense can play in favor of the car owner. In particular, it often does not provide data on alcohol level in the blood, which is an essential point. Also, 2nd dui lawyer can defend your rights if the medical examination procedure was violated. And if the research was violated or the doctors drew up an act incorrectly, then the court increasingly considers the fact of the state of intoxication unproven. And, therefore, bringing to justice is disputed quite easily.

A 2nd dui lawyer in Dubai will help you avoid severe punishments and give answers to the most pressing issues:

  • what penalties a drunk driver faces (a fine, deprivation of a driver’s license, time in jail);
  • the amount of the fine for the offense, and whether it can be challenged;
  • how many days the person can’t drive a car, and how to return a certificate;
  • if you are unreasonably suspected.

2nd DUI Lawyer Cost

It usually depends on the specific facts of each case. Anyway, it’s better to promptly contact an experienced attorney near you to get all the necessary legal assistance.

Our advocates listen carefully to the client, inform them about any changes in their case, and help to:

  • obtain an acquittal, dismiss a case pending trial, or mitigate the consequences
  • keep the client’s driving permit
  • avoid jail


Control of the vehicle while intoxicated is a tough case to win, but it’s possible with an excellent 2nd dui lawyer in Dubai.

2nd DUI lawyer

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