قانون العمل

قانون العمل

تنظم قانون العمل بشكل أساسي ساعات عمل الموظفين والأجور والرواتب وأيام العطل والإجازات المرضية ومعايير السلامة في مكان العمل، والمزيد. يخضع جميع الموظفين لقانون العمل في الإمارات العربية المتحدة بغض النظر عن وضعهم كمواطنين أو مقيمين.

علاوة على ذلك، تخضع جميع الصناعات التجارية لقوانين العمل والتوظيف. يتميز قوة العمل في الإمارات العربية المتحدة بتنوعها الاستثنائي. ولهذا السبب، فإن تفاصيل ومواصفات تلك القوانين العملية تعتني بجميع خلفيات الموظفين وجنسياتهم وآرائهم الدينية وتحميهم.

محامو العمل

فريقنا من محامي العمل في دبي يتمتع بفهم واسع وخبرة كبيرة في ممارسة قانون العمل في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، بما في ذلك تقديم النصائح للعملاء الأجانب والمحليين حول قضايا التوظيف والعمل المعقدة.

نساعد أيضًا العديد من الشركات والأعمال فيما يتعلق بمخاوفهم في مجال العمل من خلال تقديم النصيحة لهم بشأن حقوق الموظفين في مكان العمل المختلفة وكذلك في حالات الإنهاء غير القانوني وغير العادل. بعض المجالات التي ساعدنا فيها عملاءنا بنجاح هي:

نساعد الشركات المحلية الصغيرة والمتوسطة في إدارة سياسات الموارد البشرية وضمان اتباعها لقوانين العمل والتوظيف في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

خدماتنا المهنية تشمل ما يلي:

فريقنا متعدد التخصصات ماهر بشكل كبير في ممارسة قانون العمل، وهذا هو السبب في أن عملاؤنا يثنون علينا على نهجنا الودود والمتخصص في حل النزاعات. نقدم خدمات قانونية لمعالجة القضايا العمالية التالية:

Labor Law Ar

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The employer may employ the worker for additional hours, not exceeding two hours per day.
– The employer may employ the worker for additional hours, not exceeding two hours per day, unless it is necessary to prevent a serious loss or incident or to eliminate or investigate its effects. In any case, the total working hours should not exceed 144 hours every 3 weeks.
– Additionally, there are certain categories that have been exempted from these provisions regarding the maximum number of hours.

First, the employee’s work must be the enabling factor in encountering the employer’s clients or knowing the secrets behind the work involved. In this case, the employer may require the worker in the contract to not compete with him or participate in any competing project after the expiry of the contract between them. However, the condition must be specific to the place, time, and type of work to the extent necessary to protect legitimate business interests and should not exceed the non-competition period, which is two years from the date of the contract’s expiry. In order for the employer to be entitled to compensation for the worker’s breach of the non-competition clause, he must prove the damages resulting from the aforementioned breach.

– The worker or the new employer paying compensation not exceeding 3 months of the worker’s wage according to his last contract with the employer.
– Expiry of the contract during the trial period.- Any occupational categories according to the needs of the labor market in the country by a decision issued by the Minister.

–  In the event that the employer wishes to terminate the worker’s service during the probationary period, the employer must notify the worker in writing at least (14 days) before the date specified for termination of service.
–  In the event that the worker wishes to move during the probationary period to work for another employer in the country, the worker must notify the employer of this in writing for a period no less than one month from the date of his desire to terminate the contract, and the new employer is obligated to compensate the original employer by assigning recruitment and contracting unless otherwise agreed upon.
–  In the event that the foreign worker wishes to terminate the employment contract during the probationary period to leave the country, he must notify the employer of this in writing (14 days) prior to the date specified for the termination of the contract. In this case, if he wishes to return to the country again and obtain a new work permit within three months from the date of departure, the new employer is obligated to provide compensation in accordance with the above-mentioned paragraph.

Article 54, paragraph 7 of the Labor Law states: “A lawsuit shall not be heard about any of the rights arising under the provisions of this Decree-Law after the lapse of one year from the date of entitlement of the right in question.

First: Juveniles are those under fifteen (15) years of age.
Second: Yes, it is permissible to employ juveniles, but with the following conditions:
– Written consent of the person who has guardianship over him.
– A health fitness certificate.
– The working hours shall not exceed 6 hours per day, and they must include one or more rest periods of no less than an hour, such that the juvenile does not work more than 4 consecutive hours.
– No assigning work between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am.
– No assigning dangerous or hard work.
– No assigning overtime working hours or work on rest days and official holidays.

– If the working conditions require the worker to work for more than the standard working hours, the worker shall be entitled to a wage equal to the wages of normal working hours (according to the basic wage) plus an increase of no less than 25% of that wage.
– However, if work conditions require the worker to work overtime between ten o’clock in the evening and four in the morning, the worker shall be entitled to a wage equal to the wage of normal working hours (according to the basic wage) plus an increase of no less than 50% of that wage. (Shift workers are excluded from this item). However, if working conditions require the worker to work on a rest day as specified in the work contract or work regulations, he must be compensated with another rest day or paid a wage equal to the regular hourly wage (according to the basic wage) plus an increase of no less than 50% of that wage.

Yes, but if work conditions require the worker to be employed during any official holidays, the employer must compensate him with another day of rest for each day worked during the holiday, or pay him that day’s wage in addition to an increase of no less than 50% of the basic wage.

– A full-time worker who has completed a year or more in continuous service is entitled to an end-of-service gratuity upon the termination of his service.
– If the worker has worked for less than one year, he is not entitled to an end-of-service gratuity.
– If the worker has worked for less than five years, he shall be entitled to twenty-one days’ wages for each year of service.
– If the worker has worked for more than five years, he shall be entitled to thirty days’ wages for each year exceeding the first five years.
– It is an aforementioned stipulation that the total remuneration does not exceed two years’ wages.

According to Article 51 of the Labor Law, the end of service for foreigners working in the state is calculated according to the following provisions:
– A worker who has completed a year or more in continuous service is entitled to an end-of-service gratuity upon the end of his service, with the days of absence from work without pay not included in the calculation of the service period.
– The worker is entitled to an end-of-service gratuity for the fractions of the year, in proportion to what he spent at work, provided that he has completed one year of continuous service.
– The end-of-service gratuity is calculated based on the value of the last basic salary received by the employee, meaning that basic salary allocations such as housing, transportation, utilities, and furniture are not included.
– The employer shall pay the worker, within (14) days from the end of the contract, all his wages, other entitlements, and end-of-service benefits stipulated in the Labor Law and the decisions implementing it, the work contract, and the establishment’s system.
– The employer may deduct from the end-of-service gratuity any amounts due to him from the worker.

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